Ways to Wean from Breastfeeding?

6 min readJan 12, 2021


Reduce the amount Feedings:

Gradually decrease the amount feedings. Don’t let go off the main feedings like the one before sleeping and waking up. These are the called the comfort feedings. They make the baby feel good and you don’t want to disturb these moments during the transition.

This step should go slowly. Cut down one feeding a day. If your baby insists on that particular feed then distract the baby. You could play games or out on a nursery rhyme.

Let go Completely

If you are completely done with breastfeeding, decided to stop breastfeeding just like that. This is a difficult step and requires lots of courage for the mother, especially. The baby will cry and even throw tantrum but it you have to stay solid.

It is important to keep in mind that your baby shouldn’t dehydrate. There are a variety of options out there in the market for sippy cups and bottle. Try them to see what works best for your baby.

It is important to give plenty of water during the day along with one or two feedings of fresh milk.

Get the baby on Fresh Milk

Pediatrics recommend fresh milk after the age of one. At first the baby will not like the taste of the fresh milk, which is ok.

In order to get the baby, drink the fresh milk, try out different products. For example, maybe honey, chocolate powder, or Pediasure. It is also ok to pump out some breast milk and mix it with the fresh milk. Then gradually decrease these things so that the baby is on original fresh milk.

However, it is recommended by Pediatrics to give Pediasure if the baby’s weight is low. An opinion from the pediatric of the baby would be the right thing to do.

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Ways to make weaning easier

We have outlined below a few tips that would help you to wean your baby easily and eventually stop breastfeeding.

  1. Plan your approach and method by which you are planning to wean your baby in advance.
  2. List out the feeding schedule of your baby and mark the ones that you are planning to wean out. Start with just one feed a week. The more gradual the process is, the better and easier it is both for your baby and yourself.
  3. Take help of your partner or your caregiver to help you with the feed that is to be weaned out. Your baby is more receptive to drink from a bottle if it is given by anyone else but you.
  4. As soon as the baby is fed by your partner or caregiver you can take the baby up for a bit of a rocking or cuddling or burping the baby so that your baby does not miss the bond, they have with you.
  5. By the age of 1 year a child is eating almost all the food that you eat. By this stage your child is also more distracted by other food that they will be ready to wean away from you.
  6. While it is beneficial for the baby from a health standpoint to be breastfed partially till about two years of age. But when your child gets used to the breastfeed, they might insist that they need it and can also start becoming adamant and demanding about it.
  7. Give your baby alternate comfort soft toys or blankets so that your baby is comfortable during the process of binning.
  8. It is better that you start weaning from the feed in the afternoon as both you and your baby are more active. And the baby really would not miss the comfort of breastfeed.

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How to Handle the Physical Pain?

Now that the baby is off your breasts, it is time to face the consequences. Why? Because it is a routine for the milk ducts to let the milk supply out. So, the milk ducts were constantly producing more milk. Now the milk has nowhere to go. As a result, you will feel breast engorgement.

The bursting pain of the breasts can be quite fist wrenching. However, this pain is temporarily. It will ease as the days go by of not breastfeeding.

Although the gorging pain of the breasts will eventually settle by itself, there are some tips to give you temporarily relief.


  • Do cold compresses of the breast might give you some relief.
  • Wear comfortable and supportive bra.
  • Pump out some of the excessive milk.

How to dry up the Milk?

It is a natural process of breast milk to dry up. It happens by itself gradually, but there are some tips to dry it quickly.

  1. Apply Cabbage leaves: Applying cabbage leaves for 20 to 30 minutes directly on the breast will dry up the milk. The most effective way is to keep repeating several times.
  2. Sage Tea: Physicians recommend the drink of Sage Tea to dry up the milk supply. It has been proven very effective and mothers won’t have to take it more than 3 days!
  3. Estrogen birth control pills: Taking Estrogen hormonal birth control pill has been proven to have an effect of drying up the milk supply in women.


It is important to note down some warnings when weaning you baby from breastfeeding.

  • Some skin is sensitive to sulfa and cabbage. With this said, do not use the cabbage leaves to reduce the gorging pain of the breasts.
  • Remember not to use the cabbage leaves on cracked skin.
  • Also, take the process of decreasing the milk supply gradually as it can cause breast infection known as mastitis.

When to consider delay in weaning

You can consider delaying weaning for the following reasons:

  1. You have a family history of allergens. One of the best ways to overcome this is to continue breastfeeding your baby as you introduce foods that have potential allergens to your baby in very small quantities. Breastfeeding maintains the health and immunity that your baby needs to overcome any issues that might arise due to these allergens.
  2. Your baby health or weight is not normal. For your baby is not feeling well when you have planned to wean your baby. Then it is better that you continue with breast feet then introduce foods which are new to your baby. Nurse them to good health and then after a couple of weeks you can think of starting the weaning process.
  3. You will have to consider a delay in weaning if your baby is not cooperative to solid food introduction or refuses to feed from the bottle.
  4. Sometimes it is better to breastfeed if your baby is having tooth cavities or and they are overfeeding or gaining too much weight when they are having other food than breast milk.
  5. It is a good practice to breastfeed your baby when you are going through a stressful situation or a change in your normal routine. Breastfeeding gives assurance and security needed for your baby during these times of change. The change can be that you are starting to go to work or for leaving your baby to day-care etc. In such times it is better that you breastfeed your baby in the time you get with them so that they do not feel the lack of attention all of a sudden. Thereby causing them to become very anxious. Thereby causing them to become very anxious.


Weaning is both mental and physical process. The baby should show signs of readiness and the mother should be mentally prepared to let the baby change into a big kid.

This milestone can be smooth or difficult. It is a different journey for every child. You might have a smooth transition with one child but then the second baby of yours can give you a tough time.

It is important for every mother to know all the facts and tips of weaning a baby from breastfeeding. Every weaning phase from breastfeeding is unique.

From a mother to another mother, God Bless!!

