How to make Toddlers listen to you?

3 min readJan 25, 2021


Toddlers are not the best when it comes to listening. Listening is a skill that all toddlers need to learn. For instance, you may be yelling ten times to pick up the toys. It might even come to punishment, but your toddler has no intention to pick up the toys.

So how to go about making your toddler listen to you. There are certain things you should keep them in your mind that you need to take note.

1.Get eye-to-eye contact

A parent should get on the knees and meet the toddlers’ level. Then, he should tell the toddler the instructions. Eye-to eye coordination lets the toddler listen to you more attentively and not let distraction will come in the way.

2. Read a book

This is a great way to develop listening skills in a toddler. Make reading interesting by adding different types of voice. It attracts the attention of the toddler and makes him listen attentively. Moreover, it’s a great way to end the day. A peaceful read with your toddler will surely build a great bond.

3. Make mealtimes a family a time

It is hard for parents to squeeze in mealtime as a family after a busy schedule during the day. Nevertheless, it is crucial to take out some time for such an event. If every day is not possible, then go for a Sunday family mealtime.

The reason for taking out time for such a thing is to let the toddler hear the conversion among the parents. It is a great way to build communication skills in a toddler. Parents should set themselves a positive example for your child to follow.

4. Avoid Yelling

Yes, yelling can get the work done out of your toddler. But is that the right thing to teach your child? Yelling will encourage more screaming and tantrums in a toddler, which is what you wanted to get rid of in the first place.

The right way to get the work done is by asking the child to do something. Most probably, it will not work the first time you say it. The trick is to repeat it. When you have repeated several times politely, then go for a warning statement. When that doesn’t work, then a timeout would be a perfect way to drill in the concept of following directions when told.

5. Give the Motivation to Get the Work Done

Sometimes the technique of motivation does the trick. For example, say “Brush your teeth, then we will play with that new car.” Instead of “Go brush your teeth!”

It motivates the toddler to get the work done to play with the car. Eventually, with continuous orders, good habits will take over.


There will be numerous times when parents will ask themselves, is this normal for a toddler to behave this way. Other times, they will drive you crazy at a grocery store with continuous whining and wailing. However, these weird things toddlers do is a normal phase that every toddler has to go through.

The reason behind such weird behavior is that they are learning new things and building their muscles and exploring the world. The world seems like a new place for a toddler. So, mums, hang in there! This shall pass!

God Bless!!..

